We put a ban on the Dark Age page for 1 month after the release of the book, and now that the month is over, it is not open to editing, including spoilers.
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News and Announcements
The Iron Gold page is now open for all user to add and edit information about the book. The book has been released for 1 month now, so some people may still not have had time to read the book, and I ask that you be sensitive to that when adding details. Please put spoiler warnings when you do add details.
Thanks and have a bloodydamn good day!
Just Updated
Hello howlers!
Just wanted to let you all know that TheFandom.net's book club will be discussing Red Rising and Golden Son on their hangout this month (January 2016) and we'd love for anyone to come and join us. You can ask questions or discuss on the chat on the Google+ page.
The hangout will happen on Monday, January 18th starting at 6pm PST/9pm EST at the following link:
We'd love to have you there to keep us on our toes and get excited about Morning Star!
Honestly, I'm not sure how many people browse the forums, but hey, I'll post here anway.
For more information, check out http://bookshub.wikia.com/wiki/Y.A._Society_Reads_Archive and http://red-rising.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:2799?_ga=1.253032713.1692775944.1421983269