Agrippina au Julii is the head of House Julii and mother to Antonia and Victra.
Agrippina is described by multiple characters as a schemer and a briber. She cares about money and little else.[1]
Agrippina's appearance is referred to as skeletal.[2]
At some point, Agrippina taught Victra how to blockage a planet with nothing but asteroids and gravity haulers.[3]
Agrippina knew of a radiation leak in Harmony's mine, and chose not to make immediate repairs because she considered it advantageous from a tax perspective. Radiation medication was distributed to the mine's Gamma clan via Laureltide boxes, allegedly for the Gammas to sell to the other clans. When the Gammas hoarded the medication instead, Agrippina told Victra that the Gammas' greed was exactly according to plan, telling her daughter that "they'll be too busy hating each other to ever hate us." A month later, Agrippina went down to the mine to distribute more medicine herself.[3]
Golden Son[]
During the Martian Civil War, Agrippina initially sided with House Bellona, depleting the Augustus fleet of the ships needed to capture Mars quickly.[4] She demanded that Victra abandon Darrow and House Augustus, but Victra refused her orders and stayed loyal to Darrow.[5]
Prior to the Lion's Rain, Victra convinces Agrippina to switch sides, resulting in Agrippina betraying the Bellona in the middle of the battle and unloading over two hundred leechCraft into the core of the Bellona fleet.[6]
After the battle, Lorn au Arcos takes Victra under his wing and forms an alliance with House Julii with Agrippina's agreement.[7]
When Adrius au Augustus launched his betrayal at Darrow's Triumph, Agrippina was shot in the head by Antonia and killed.[8]