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Bellagra au Raa was a Gold of House Raa and the second cousin of Seraphina au Raa.


Iron Gold[]

Bellagra joined the duels against Cassius au Bellona on Dido au Raa's orders after Bellerophon and Fabera both tried and failed to kill the man. Cassius quickly parries the first blow and cuts Bellagra in half down the middle.[1]


  • Lysander au Lune refers to Bellagra as a man in Iron Gold chapter 40,[1] while Gaia au Raa refers to Bellagra as a woman in chapter 55 when she says that she lost her grandson, granddaughter, and grandniece during Cassius's duels.[2]
  • Gaia referring to Bellagra as grandniece indicates that Revus au Raa had at least one sibling,[2] since grandniece refers to either the daughter of one's niece or the granddaughter of one's sibling/sibling-in-law.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Iron Gold, chapter 40
  2. 2.0 2.1 Iron Gold, chapter 55