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 Cedric cu Platuu is a Copper and the steward of Silene Manor on Luna.


Described as a "short, but ample man" with plump cheeks and "knobby arms and legs." He also has a thin mustache and thin, graying copper hair.[1]


Cedric is described as dedicated to his duty.



For several years before The Fall, Cedric served as the Steward of Silene Manor, Octavia Lune's traditional country retreat in Luna's northern hemisphere. During his years of service, he learned many secrets of the moon's Citadel, and was considered one of the gems of The Sovereign's court.

At some point before The Fall, he gave Lysander au Lune lessons in etiquette.[2]

Golden Son[]

Though not mentioned in the Red Rising trilogy, Virginia au Augustus interacted with Cedric often during her time in Octavia's court, and was impressed by his knowledge and dedication to his duty.

The Solar War[]

After the fall of Octavia and the founding of the Solar Republic, Virginia allowed Cedric to keep his job, and he continued to serve House Augustus faithfully during their residence in Silene Manor.

Iron Gold[]

Cedric greets Darrow and Sevro when they return to Silene Manor after the parade honoring their liberation of Mercury, and confirms when Darrow asks that he recently celebrated his seventy-first birthday. Cedric tells Darrow and Sevro where Niobe and their children are, and informs Sevro that Victra will be late to dinner due to labor strikes at her warehouses in Endymion and Echo City. When Sevro complains that Victra didn't attend the parade, Cedric says that she missed him at his most prime, but quietly shifts away from the stench of Sevro's wolfcloak.

When Lyria of Lagalos arrived on Luna with Kavax au Telemanus, Cedric gave her and all the other servants of House Telemanus a flexipass to use when visiting Hyperion.[3]

Cedric was present alongside the Augustus and Telemanus staff at Quicksilver's birthday party. Lyria watched him arrive with Quicksilver's steward and Bethalia while she and the other staff were lounging in a sitting room. When Kavax summoned Lyria to come take Sophocles for a walk, Behtalia called for Cedric to have one of his subortinates guide Lyria to where the Telemanus Primus was.[4]


  1. Iron Gold, chapter 02
  2. Iron Gold, chapter 36
  3. Iron Gold, chapter 28
  4. Iron Gold, chapter 35