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Crastus au Arcos is a Gold knight of the Martian house Arcos and a soldier of the Solar Republic's Free Legions.


Crastus is described as a pretty man in his thirties.[1]


Dark Age[]

Crastus is one of the captured Arcosian Knights that Lysander au Lune shares a cell with after being captured by the Gorgons. He joins the group in attempting to escape from the caves to bring Atlas au Raa to Darrow in Heliopolis.[2]

When the group is being pursued by the Gorgons in the cave full of Milkbats, a projectile hits him in the leg. He falls into the endless pit of Guano and is eaten alive by the bats.[3]


  1. Dark Age, chapter 43
  2. Dark Age, chapter 59
  3. Dark Age, chapter 60