Cyra si Lamensis is a Green Freelancer from Earth and a member of Ephraim ti Horn's heist crew, serving the role of a locksmith and hacker.
Appearance, Personaiity, and Background[]
Cyra is referred to as short.[1] She is described as twitchy, petulant, and selfish.[1] She is noted for her love of luxury, and her colleagues make fun of her for how much she spends. She was recruited by Ephraim for skills in cyberware and locksmithing. She serves in that role for both heists in Iron Gold. Ephraim once paid off Cyra’s debts to a creditor, saving her from harm.
Iron Gold[]
Cyra is a member of Ephraim's crew and present for the Razor Heist that begins Ephraim's story in Iron Gold.[1] Later on, she is captured by The Syndicate and argues that she, Dano, Volga, and Ephraim should flee the planet.[2] Ephraim dissuades her of this notion by telling her she will be killed if she refuses The Duke of Hands. Secretly, Cyra begins spying for The Duke before the job, betraying Ephraim for more money, which she recklessly spends soon after she earns it.
When Ephraim delivers the children, the Duke of Hands reveals she has been spying on Ephraim all along, and reporting back to the Syndicate. The Duke claims she approached him, offering to do so for money and a chance to be in the Syndicate. Cyra has told the Duke about Lyria, who Ephraim was hoping to keep a secret. The Duke tells Ephraim she must die, and lets Ephraim pick how she'll be killed. He says to "let her go". The Duke and Gorgo take his words literally, and drop her from the edge of the highrise to her death.[3]