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Drusilla au Arcos is a Gold knight of the Martian house Arcos and a soldier of the Solar Republic's Free Legions.


Drusilla is darker than the rest of the captured Arcosian Knights. Lysander notices she has kind eyes behind swollen eyelids.[1]


Drusilla is a firm believer in helping people and furthering the Dream of Persephone.[1]


Dark Age[]

Drusilla remains in Tyche with her cousin Alexandar and the other Knights of Elysium during The Battle of the Ladon in an attempt to evacuate the city's population during Orion's hypercane. After the battle, she, Alexandar, Crastus, Hadrian, and Ignacius are captured by Gorgons.

When their group escapes with the help of a disguised Lysander au Lune, Drusilla carries the Fear Knight on her gravBike as they flee from a giant pursuing horde of Gorgons to reach Darrow in Heliopolis.

Drusilla is impaled by a ragged chunk of metal as her gravBike accidentally collides and locks together with Lysander's. Lysander is barely able to regain control in order to throw themselves with the Fear Knight into one of the Republic's escape ships. Medici swarm to help Drusilla on the escape ship but are unsuccessful in saving her life.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Age, Chapter 43