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Felix au Daan was a Gold from a minor Martian house pledged to House Augustus who served as Darrow's bodyguard during the Solar War.


Felix is "just past forty" when The Battle of the Ladon begins in January 754 PCE,[1] and has a buzzed head.[2]


Felix is a dour cynic of a man. He has little love for lowColors, but is loyal to Virginia au Augustus.[1]


Dark Age[]

Felix accompanied Darrow when he visits with wounded Republic soldiers in Heliopolis. When Darrow was reuniting with Dago of Gamma, Felix interrupted to inform him that his shuttle was ready to depart and that Orion was growing restless.

Felix was one of the ten Howlers who emerged from the Necromancer when Darrow was talking to Harnassus after the briefing for Operation Voyager Cloak as a warning to the Orange of what would happen if he didn't support Darrow's plan.

Felix remained with Darrow when he spoke to the impaled soldiers Atlas au Raa left outside the city of Angelia, and followed Darrow to investigate the city's communications center.

When the Necromancer arrived at Skyhook Eleven to resupply, Felix, Darrow, and an Obsidian pathfinder kneeled in a wedge to shield Alexandar au Arcos and Rhonna O'Lykos from an incoming atomic blast.

Felix almost fell to a squad of enemy Grays with uranium rifles when the Second Army attacks Scorpio au Votum's legion between Tyche and the plains of Caduceus, but was saved by Darrow before the Society Remnant troops could kill him.

When Darrow and the rest of the Second Army arrived at Heliopolis to lift Ajax au Grimmus's siege of the city, Felix was the only Gold Howler remaining in the group. Felix is killed when their party is ambushed by Gorgons.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Age, chapter 01
  2. Dark Age, chapter 05