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Apollo has not left Olympus.
— Red Rising, Ch. 39: The Proctor's Bounty

House Apollo is one of the schoolHouses of The Institute. Their standard, sigil and ring is a horizontal bow with three docked arrows.


The castle for House Apollo at the Mars campus of The Institute resides to the south of the Greatwoods and north of the South Sea. The castle is tall, white and ornate and has a round plaza with a cobblestone floor in the center with six doors which lead to six grand, spiraling towers. They have pens containing sheep and cows.[1] Their assets also include ionBlades and ionLances, as well as at least thirty horses.[2] They have a white war room table.


The Proctor of House Apollo at The Institute of Mars is an unnamed male Gold with short, curly hair. He has a godlike face, chin like carved from marble. His voice melodious, frivolous. He's described as ambitious and a monster of a man. He does not like Darrow and thinks Darrow to be the weakest one of the group. Proctor Apollo, along with the Proctors of Venus and Jupiter, aided the Jackal. He attempts to kill Darrow with a bloodback.

After the exposed Jackal kills Pax and escapes from Darrow's army, Proctor Apollo hits the pursuing Howlers with a sonic boom from his pulseFist. Darrow tries to fight the Proctor but his gravBoots, pulseShield, and armor are too strong. The Proctor says he has Mustang to Darrow and threatens to ruin her. The Proctor picks Darrow up by the hair and flies into the snowy night sky. But Darrow had learned from beating up Fitchner that if the Proctor is touching Darrow, then his pulseArmor must be turned off. So, after Proctor Apollo calls Darrow a puppet and lets go to drop him, Darrow stays hovering in the air since he also stole the beaten Fitchner's gravBoots. Proctor Apollo, shocked, is too slow to react as rage filled Darrow stabs the Proctor through the eye with Dancer's knifeRing. The Proctor's body tumbles down to the ground and Darrow finds his Howlers around it.

"They took Mustang." I tell my pack.

They look on silently. The Jackal no longer matters.

"So now we take Olympus."

The smiles they give one another are as chilling as the snow.

Sevro cackles.

Darrow puts on Apollo's gravBoots and gives Sevro his father's stolen, and better fitting, boots.


House Apollo usually attracts those who are fine-featured, charming, and charismatic. They are known for their pride and vanity. According to the Stonemaier board game, "House Apollo is charming, charismatic, and prideful, often taking the initiative."[3]


Pre-737 PCE[]

737-737 PCE[]


542nd Class of the Martian Institute

  • 738 PCE

Darrow's Warband travel south and into the lands of House Apollo, claiming to be from House Ceres. Their Primus, Novas, approaches the Warband with his thirty-strong cavalry. He offers Darrow an alliance to dominate the South before conquering the north. Darrow declines the offer, and Novas retreats. Darrow's band makes camp on the opposite bank of a frozen river, and Novas' men attempt to raid their camp during the night, but fall into the river due to ice weakened by Pax. House Apollo raids the wandering band throughout the coming days during their trek south in groups of three or four, all failing.[2]

A following night, while Proctor Apollo distracts Darrow's lieutenants, Sevro, Tactus, and The Howlers infiltrate Castle Apollo through its large latrine holes. Tactus claims the highest tower and urinating on one of Apollo's banners. Proctor Apollo gives Novas a pulseSpear to use, as The Howlers open the gates for Darrow's Warband. Darrow and Pax charge, breaking the frontline of the Apollo soldiers. Darrow makes short work of Novas, despite the pulseSpear, ending the duel by breaking one of his legs.

Proctor Apollo, under the guise of a ghostCloak, gives the Apollo Standard to an unimportant House member, letting her escape on a horse. Virginia, Thistle, and Pebble chase her down and capture her, conquering House Apollo.


  • In Roman Mythology, Apollo is the God of archery and medicine.


  1. Red Rising, Chapter 38
  2. 2.0 2.1 Red Rising, Chapter 37