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Red Rising Wiki
Red Rising Wiki

Venus Standard by Tibbind

House Venus Standard by @Tibbind on Twitter

House Venus is one of the schoolHouses of The Institute. Its standard, sigil, and ring are unknown, however, it likely includes a dove.

Castle Venus[]

Nothing is known of Castle Venus at The Institute of Mars, other than it is located in the Southern regions of the Institute grounds.[1]

Proctor Venus[]

The Proctor of House Venus on Mars in 737 PCE is an unnamed Gold woman.[1] She is one of the interfering Proctors, along with Apollo and Jupiter, who arrange for The Jackal to the win. After the exposed Jackal kills Pax and escapes from Darrow's army, Proctor Venus carries the wounded Jackal while Proctor Apollo deals with the pursuing Howlers.

However, Darrow manages to kill Apollo and take his pulseArmor/gravBoots. On Olympus, him and the Howlers find Proctor Venus naked in bed, her hung up armor dripping from snow, only just returned from helping the Jackal. The Howlers tie her to the bedposts as she screams in protest. The man clothing in her room shows that her and Proctor Apollo were lovers.


During an interview, Pierce Brown mentioned that instead of using brute force, students of House Venus rely on charm, guile, and charisma to get what they want.[2]

The students of House Venus are generally vain.[3]


542nd Class of the Martian Institute[]

  • 737-738 PCE

By the time Darrow and Virginia's Warband make their stand against House Apollo, House Venus is one of the few remaining houses in the South. They are conquered after Darrow's Warband leaves for House Jupiter.

Venus vs Vulcan[]

In Red Rising, it is said that there are twelve Houses within the Institute, however, thirteen are named. This caused a debate among the fans about which little mentioned house was a discrepancy; Venus or Vulcan. It was finally confirmed during Pierce Brown's Dark Age Tour that all 13 Houses were canon. After the mistake of thirteen House was realized, it became a joke with Pierce Brown's team that whenever there is a group of twelve within the Society, there is a secret thirteenth member, leading to the creation of the thirteenth Olympic Knight, first mentioned in Iron Gold, The Shadow Knight.


  • In Roman Mythology, Venus is the Goddess of love.

