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Ignacius au Arcos is a Gold knight of the Martian house Arcos and a soldier of the Solar Republic Free Legions.


Ignacius is the largest and most muscular of the captured Arcosian Knights in the Gorgon camp. He has three stubs for fingers from being tortured.[1]


Dark Age[]

Ignacius remains in Tyche with Alexandar au Arcos and the other Knights of Elysium during The Battle of the Ladon in an attempt to evacuate the city's population during Orion's hypercane. After the battle, he, Alexandar, Crastus, Drusilla, and Hadrian are captured by Gorgons

When a disguised Lysander au Lune is left in their cell, he overhears Ignacius telling Hadrian to stop weeping about his torture at the hands of the Fear Knight. Ignacius notices that Lysander is awake and calls the Arcosian Knights' attention to their cellmate. Ignacius demands to know who Lysander is and is suspicious of Lysander's cover identity as Cato au Virtuvius.

When Lysander and Atlas au Raa stage the latter's kidnapping, Ignacius questions why Lysander was in Atlas's room and how he was able to navigate back to their cell. He objects to bringing Lysander with them and considers him untrustworthy.[2] Ignacius carries Atlas when the escapees are being harried by milkbats. When they come to an apparent dead end, Ingacius throws Atlas to the ground and prepares for a fight.[3]

When the group escapes the Gorgons' mountain base on gravBikes, Ignacius is killed when a sniper shoots off the top half of his body as they weave around each other on the salt flats beyond the mountain range.


  1. Dark Age, chapter 43
  2. Dark Age, chapter 59
  3. Dark Age, chapter 60