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The Morning Star is a MoonBreaker that was originally commissioned by Octavia au Lune as a birthday gift for her grandson Lysander. It was used by Roque au Fabii during the Second Moon Lord Rebellion under the name Colossus, and acted as his flagship for the duration of the war. It was later captured in the Battle of Ilium by Darrow O'Lykos and renamed the Morning Star by Sefi the Quiet. It served as the flagship of the Solar Republic for the next ten years.

However, following the Battle of Mercury, the Morning Star is downed over the planet, then subsequently repaired by the Society Remnant and renamed the Lightbringer by Lysander au Lune. The Lightbringer currently serves as Lysander's flagship.


The Morning Star is the largest known warship in the Red Rising universe. It is eight kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers tall. The ship's bow is in the shape of a crescent, described as being like a shark with an open mouth swimming sideways.[1]

A sling blade was painted along one side and a crescent moon on the other.


Red Rising[]

While not mentioned or depicted in the novel itself, Octavia au Lune commissioned the warship's construction in early 738 PCE, during the time that Darrow was attending the Institute. Materials were shipped to the Ganymede Dockyards by Julii Industries, with the shipping fees being paid for using the tariff revenues levied on Nero au Augustus's helium exports from the mines he controlled.[2]

Golden Son[]

Construction of the ship was completed by February 742 PCE. Nero au Augustus was captured during the Martian Civil War while attempting to steal it and every other ship at the Ganymede Docks.

Morning Star[]

After the Second Moon Lord Rebellion began in March 742 PCE, Roque au Fabii travelled to Ganymede ahead of the Sword Armada in secret and stole the ship from the docks.

Roque named the ship Colossus and used it as his flagship for the remainder of the campaign until it was seized by Darrow during the Battle of Ilium. The ship was renamed the Morning Star and became the flagship of the Red Armada.

Iron Gold[]

Dark Age[]

Light Bringer[]

After the Long Night, the Society Remnant seized control of the downed warship. Lysander au Lune claimed the warship as his own flagship and financed repairs to the ship, with the ship's reconstruction being performed by House Votum of Mercury.

Repairs were completed in October 754 PCE, and at a party to celebrate the ship's successful re-launching, Lysander renamed it the Lightbringer.

The Lightbringer is part of the Society's fleet that partakes in the wider space battle over Mars. The Lightbringer is crucial to Lysander's effort in the Battle of Phobos, where the ship is used to trade ordinance with Phobos' orbital defenses and to drop an Iron Rain onto the moon. The Lightbringer is heavily damaged in the battle but is later repaired.

When Lysander agrees to assist the Rim against the Ascomani pirates plaguing the Rim under the direction of Volsung Fa, the Lightbringer makes its way into the Jupiter system. As the Society forces lead by Lysander destroys parts of the Ascomani fleet or saves the Rim citizens previously captured by the Obsidians, the Lightbringer uses its comms to broadcast propaganda showing Lysander as a conquering yet merciful hero.

After the meeting between Diomedes, Darrow, and Lysander at Io, Lysander goes back to the Lightbringer and with the help of Cassius, kills Atlas au Raa as well as Rhone and the other Pretorians loyal to Atlas in Hanger 17B. However, Lysander would kill Cassius and broadcast an address to the Moon Lords denouncing Darrow before then using the ships' particle cannons to destroy the Garter's shields. Following the Sack of Demeter, the Lightbringer, rich with the spoils of the Rim's plants, departs back for the Core.

Notes and References[]

  1. Morning Star, chapter 45
  2. Dark Age - chapter 80