Red Rising Wiki
Red Rising Wiki
Red Rising Wiki
Howlers Discord

Screenshot of The Howlers Discord Server

I have created a Red Rising Discord Server called The Howlers!
Because sometimes it's handy and fun to have the ability to converse quickly in real time!  This is just another chill way for us to get ahold of each other, (especially for people who are already chilling on Discord).

The Howlers is established as a server for us "editors of the Red Rising Wikia", but it's open for anyone!  I will also be advertising the server on the reddit feed r/RedRising.  Discord is the greatest chat app ever and I personally love hooking into different types of servers, so I thought I’d make one for Red Rising fans!

The Howlers Invite -- Please see comment below for UPDATE on The Sons of Ares server.[]

(For those that do not know, Discord is a centralized, online chat and voice platform where you can create a server for any type of community.)

Discord Download[]

If you are interested in joining and have any questions, please let me know!