Venus is the second innermost planet in the Solar System and home to one of The Society's two most important shipbuilding facilities. The planet also houses half of the Society's Imperial Reserves of Helium-3, and is the headquarters of the 4th Societal Garrison Fleet, commonly known as the Classis Venetum. After the fall of Octavia au Lune, Venus's orbital dockyards led to the planet becoming the headquarters of the Society Remnant.
80% of Venus's surface is covered by ocean, while the remaining 20% is distributed among island archipelagoes with beaches full of white sand.
The planet's ecosystem and proximity to the sun contributes to Venusians tending to be darker and more compact than the people of planets orbiting farther out, such as Mars.
In addition to its great wines, Venus is also known for its elegant and soft fabrics used in the construction of carpets or tunics.
Venusian society is notoriously hedonistic, with a reputation for decadence and debauchery. The planet's Institute is particularly infamous for the high frequency of instances where students are raped by their classmates.
Venus has schools that train Golds from all over the solar system to become magistrates or politicians.
House Carthii's philosophy toward leadership believes in an iron rod of discipline held by a velvet scented glove, rewarding obedient dockyard workers with many delights, including twenty-three delirium arcades for Greens to use for their pleasure.
The fauna of Venus is like other planets; it is varied and unique at the same time. The Venusian seas are known of having large eels.
- The Institute of Venus
- Venus Dockyards
- Columns of Venus
- The Summer Coast
- Numidae
- Iram Court
- Guinevere Sea
- Cavernous Seas
- Harmonia - seat of House Carthii
- Gorgon Isle - fortress of the Ash Lord
- House Valii-Rath estate - located 400 kilometers from Gorgon Isle[1]
- House Saud
- House Carthii
- House Cerana
- House Grimmus (743-755 PCE)
- House Rath (743-755 PCE)
Known Inhabitants[]
- Gaius au Carthus
- Magnus au Grimmus (Iron Gold)
- Atalantia au Grimmus (Iron Gold)
- Apollonius au Valii Rath (Dark Age)
- Tharsus au Valii-Rath (Iron Gold)
- Asmodeus au Carthii
- Cornelius au Carthii
- Valeria au Carthii
- Vorkian ti Hadriana (Iron Gold)
The terraforming of Venus began when hydrogen from the gas giants was imported to generate rain in the planet's atmosphere, covering 80% of the surface in oceans. High-altitude mass-drivers were used to alter the planet's atmosphere and cool the surface to make the planet habitable for human life. Mass-drivers at the equator and asteroids hurled from the belt were used to increase the planet's rotation speed so that days on Venus were of a similar length to Earth's. The entire terraforming process took approximately ninety years to complete, during which time the population lived in floating cities above the planet's surface.[2]
House Carthii were the first Golds from Luna to colonize the planet, helping to build the Columns of Venus.
Golden Son[]
Shortly before the beginning of the Martian Civil War, the Sons of Ares managed to infiltrate Venus. During the Gala Massacre, a rogue faction led by Harmony carried out a series of bombings against weapons depots, government facilities, electric companies and communications grids on Venus, Luna, and Mars with the aim of destabilizing the Society's infrastructure and assassinating high-ranking Golds in a single coordinated strike. In response, the reigning Sovereign Octavia au Lune and her Preators dispatched Grays to eliminate all Sons agents on Venus, resulting in riots as men and women involved with the organization were gunned down.
Gold knights from Venus participated in The Lion's Rain as independent agents, using the resources of their families to hunt Darrow au Andromedus so that they could claim the bounty on his head.
Morning Star[]
Following the Battle of Ilium, Darrow enacted a counterintelligence campaign to divert the bulk of the Society's military fleets away from Luna as the Red Armada sailed toward the moon from Ilium. This prevented the Classis Venetum from being able to reinforce the Scepter Armada during The Fall.[3]
After the death of Octavia and Virginia au Augustus' ascent as Sovereign, The Ash Lord and other Society loyalists retreated from Luna to regroup on Mercury and Venus. Many Martians, Terrans, and Lunese who refused to ally with the new Solar Republic migrated to Venus after being driven from their home worlds.
The Solar War[]
During the Solar War, the Venus Dockyards became one of the most crucial resources in the Society Remnant's war effort, and the planet served as the Remnant's primary headquarters. Multiple new Institutes were established on Venus to accommodate for the increase in the planet's Gold population and train new generations of Peerless Scarred. Control of these Institutes was divided between the Carthii, Saud, and Grimmus families.[4]
Iron Gold[]
After the end of the Siege of Mercury, Venus was the last main bastion of Society loyalists in the Core. When the Republic senate voted to strip Darrow of his command and issue a warrant for his arrest, he and the Howlers made a stealth incursion into Society Remnant territory in an effort to assassinate the Ash Lord on Venus.
Dark Age[]
After Darrow and the Howlers left Venus, Apollonius and his forces used House Saud's atomic arsenal to seize control of the Venus Dockyards from House Carthii.[5]