The Sons of Ares is an underground resistance group fighting against The Society and its Gold rulers, with the ultimate objective of destroying the system and hierarchy of The Society.
In 743 PCE, the Sons of Ares were comprised of several hundred individual cells, with over three hundred and fifty operating in The Rim alone.[1]
The Sons of Ares were officially founded by Fitchner au Barca around 722 P.C.E., but had informally existed since 720 in the form of the team that aided him in his failed attempt to save his Red wife, Bryn, from being executed by the Board of Quality Control.
Outraged by the ways of The Society, Fitchner gathered like-minded people dissatisfied with the government to fight back against the Gold regime. The Sons received significant material sponsoring from Quicksilver, a Silver businessman and Fitchner's employer.
Fitchner took the moniker of Ares to call attention to Gold's hypocrisy and sanitizing of the horrors of the ruling regime, based on how the Romans portrayed the war god Mars as a god of military glory, honor, and defense of the home, in contrast with the Greek counterpart Ares being a "patron of rage, violence, bloodlust, and massacre."[2]
To ensure the survival of their movement against the Society, Fitchner created multiple different redundancies so that a single cell being captured or wiped out would not compromise the entire resistance. The main Sons of Ares organization was split into highColor and lowColor factions operating independently, with the lowColor cells initially being led by his sister-in-law Ryanna, while Quicksilver took command of the highColors. Meanwhile, Fitchner created a second rebel group known as the Daughters of Athena in 723 P.C.E to operate exclusively in The Rim so that there would be another resistance faction to carry on their cause even if the Sons of Ares were completely wiped out.[3]
In September 725 P.C.E, the lowColor wing of the Sons recruited around a hundred lowReds from the mining colony of Nagasos on Mars, while Quicksilver's cells constructed the underground city of Tinos in order to house the new recruits. In November of that year, the Sons in Nagasos led an uprising in the mine and liberated several hundred Reds from slavery. When the Lionguard of House Augustus arrived under Fitchner's command to put down the uprising, Fitchner staged a cave-in so that the Sons and the Reds of Nagasos could escape to Tinos through pre-built escape tunnels. After the evacuation, Ryanna left the Sons of Ares and moved back to her home moon of Triton.[4]
Following their initial uprising and a subsequent propaganda broadcast, the Sons spent much of the next eleven years carrying out acts of sabotage and bombings against key Society targets. In 728 PCE, Dancer O'Faran was recruited by Ares and took Ryanna's place as the leader of the Sons' lowColor faction.
With Fitchner having been hired as the Proctor of House Mars at the Martian campus of The Institute following the Nagasos Uprising, the Sons began developing a plan to carve a Red into a Gold who they could send to The Institute and have infiltrate the Society government. The Sons used a network of informants to feed them information and to find the best of Red to extract from the mines for their plan, and hired a series of Carvers to perform the necessary surgeries.
At least 97 candidates were recruited between November 725 and July 736 P.C.E., but all of the lowReds who underwent the carving process either died during the operations or eventually begged for death.[5]
Red Rising[]
Darrow, after his execution and presumed death in 736 P.C.E., joins the group and partakes its mission for him to infiltrate the Golds and bring down the society from within. He receives help from similar like-minded craftsmen (Mickey), historians (Matteo) and other group members. As a result of the group's devotion to separation and secrecy, he does not know of Titus' existence until the latter hints at him before being executed.
Golden Son[]
With seemingly little progress on the infiltrating members, the group becomes more desperate for action. A radical faction of the Red group, led by Harmony, starts to initiate bombing activities, assassinations and other acts of terrorism. Darrow, sent by Harmony to set off a bomb in a dining hall during a dinner event, initially agrees to follow the plan, but aborts it upon realizing that initiating a house war between the ruling Golds would be more effective in causing chaos. As a result, he loses favor from Harmony's faction.
Morning Star[]
Enraged by Darrow's publicized downfall during his Triumph, more social dissidents start to support the resistance against The Society.
Known members[]
- Fitchner au Barca (founder)
- Sevro au Barca (acting leader)
- Darrow (leader of the Rising)
- Quicksilver (highColor liaison)
- Ryanna of Cryssos (former lowColor liason)
- Dancer (lowColor liaison)
Other members[]
- Cylax si Nexiti (deceased)
- Fenix (deceased)
- Ballista - an Obsidian
- Anteros - a Brown
- Oenomaus - a Red
- Thrax - a Red
- Oxylus - a Green
- Meleager - a Red
- Himeros - a Red
- Phlegyas - a Red
- Tmolus - -a Red
- Cycnus - an Obsidian
- Harmonia (deceased)
- Harmony (former)
- Roran of Nagasos (deceased)
- Corthus of Nagasos (former)
- Mickey
- Evey
- Matteo
- Narol (initiated after Red Rising)
- Loran (initiated after Red Rising)
- Holiday ti Nakamura
- Trigg ti Nakamura (deceased)
- Victra au Julii (initiated during Morning Star)
- All surviving members of the Howlers
- Ephraim ti Horn (former)
- Rollo O'Sicyon (deceased)
The Sons of Ares have committed crimes such as sabotage and hacking.